Jumat, 04 April 2014


Tourism Village of Blimbingsari


Blimbingsari located in Jembrana , Bali,  known for its predominantly rural embraced  hristianity where people are the original inhabitants of Bali , not immigrants . Interestingly , they do not leave the customs and culture of Bali .

Although the majority of Christians , Blimbingsari no different than other traditional villages . Neither of the shape of the building is typical of Bali , custom clothing , language and even the name is also the name of Bali's population . " Most people in Bali were Hindus , although Blimbingsari population are Christians, they still retain the original identity of Bali . Indentity include cultural procession , arts , forms of church buildings berasitektur Bali .


In this village not found an age old cultural heritage , as is generally the villages in Bali . Blimbingsari village is a new village . The opening of the western tip of the island of Bali land which later became Blimbingsari village is closely related to the development of Christianity in the island of Bali . It can be stated that the current investigation is a land covered with forest diverse wildlife including many wild animals or wild animals , but even so the three messengers who still think that the investigated soil is a good ground to be used as a village ready to live, and approximately 5 months merabas forest , the area has been deemed ready for occupancy , giving the village name was inspired by the many found starfruit tree whose fruit into small pieces , then it is called the new land opened under the name Blimbingsari .

About Tourism Village of Blimbingsari

Blimbingsari set to become a tourist village on December 16, 2011 by the Governor of Bali and inaugurated on December 25, 2011 by the regent of Jembrana . Since 2005 Blimbingsari actually managed as a community -based Tourism Village Tourism Committee established by the Government Blimbingsari Blimbingsari Village , GKPB Peniel Blimbingsari and Society / Diaspora Blimbingsari . Bali CoBTA with tourist village manager also has worked to create programs that appeal to tourists in order to increase the number of foreign tourists visiting the hope Blimbingsari improve the welfare of local people .


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