Jumat, 04 April 2014




Butterfly Garden is located in Jl.Batukaru , Br.Sandan lebah , Wanasari , Tabanan about 6 km to the north of the city center . This park is one park that has a collection of almost all the butterfly species that exist in Indonesia . Besides being able to see first hand the unique butterflies in Indonesia , tourists can witness the breeding butterflies , ranging from the cocoon to become a butterfly .

History of Butterfly Park

Historically , this park has been established since 1996 and is managed by PT . Sustainable Parks Butterfly . Butterfly park while is the only one in Indonesia and in the claims the largest in Asia . However , the construction of the Bali Butterfly Park has been planned since October 1993 after the implementation of Butterfly Conference Se - World (International Butterfly Confrence ) held on 24 to 27 August 1993 in Ujung Pandang . Construction of the park is based on the premise that biological resources in the form of highly abundant butterflies unfortunate if the Indonesian people do not recognize and preserve it . Location of the area , this park has a total area is 1 ha , and is equipped with Netting area ( space butterfly net ) area of ​​3700 m3 . 

About of Butterfly Park

Every day hundreds of removable tail butterfly colorful , one among the most famous in the world is that the butterfly wing Bird of Heaven  (Omithoptera Paradisea ) , Ornithoptera priamus , and various other kinds of all over the archipelago . If calculated per month , Butterfly Garden, this can release butterflies minimum tail 3500 , and consists of a type - species of butterflies from all over Indonesia . Butterfly garden in the archipelago only breed once attempted menangkar for purposes of scientific knowledge as well as the study of education in the future . In addition to the various types of butterflies , in this park can also find various kinds of beetles , tarantulas , and scorpions . Butterfly Garden also produce various handicrafts made ​​of a variety of insects such as : Framing Butterfly (Butterfly Frame content ) , Framing Beetle ( Frame containing beetles) , key chains made ​​from insects , insert bookmarks , paper weight ( oppressor paper ) made ​​of fiber nodes contain butterflies , painting of butterfly wings , etc. 

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